Please make sure you know Kore's prefix in your Discord server. The prefix is the start of the command. For example if the prefix was k!, the help command is "k!help." Kore's prefix is customizable and may be different for each server.
Displays the help menu
Gives instructions on how to setup Kore for your server
Displays the link to invite Kore to other discord servers - must have "Manage Server" permission
Displays statistics about your current Discord server
Displays statistics about your Discord user/account
Kicks a user from your current Discord server (reason is optional). You must have the Kick Members permission
Bans a user from your current Discord server (reason is optional). You must have the Ban Members permission
Displays how much money is in your bank
Receive your daily money reward of $50- can only be claimed once every 24 hours
In times of despair, turn to Kore for financial help. Can only be run once every 60 seconds.
Attempt to rob a user. Watch out for the police!
Displays the top five richest users in your current Discord server
.. Pong? Check your connection
Meow! Summons a random cat gif
Checks the status of a Minecraft server
Love is in the air! .. Or is it? Find out...